Saturday, May 25, 2013

Stress, Shins, and an Update

Hi Everyone,

So I gotta to say that this blog has been both inspiring and stressful at the same time. I like that I can measure my progress directly, but I feel that I have put a huge pressure on myself to make sure I am running a certain amount of miles each week, therefore, when I don't do it I just feel bad/that I'm letting people down. Do not get me wrong I still plan on running a half marathon, but the one that I want to run isn't until October, so I have plenty of time until I have to be running 10 miles on the weekends, so I'm still going to ease myself into it.

Also, I think I need to invest in a new pair of running shoes. My shins have been killing me for the past month or so every time I step on the treadmill or go outside to run, so running hasn't been very pleasant. I think I need a more supportive shoe, because my Nike frees have basically no support. I read a bunch of reviews and people have experienced the same thing. I only dread having to drop about $100 on a decent pair of shoes, but I think at this point it's necessary!

Daily Life/Running update time...insert fun music here.

Life: Just started a new job! I've been working everyday 9-3, so I'm working on getting a routine down. I've been so busy, lunch has been pushed to eating everything I can after work, so I have to work on fixing my eating and gym schedule.

Bailey wasn't looking..

Running Recap:

Sunday: rest day

Monday: 2. 35 miles on the treadmill (HIIT)+lift

Tuesday: rest day/shins felt explosive

Wednesday: 6.5 mile run outside-first long run in a while

Thursday: Leg workout in the gym, no cardio

Friday: rest day/super sore

Saturday: either a light run outside in the rain or HIIT (haven't decided yet), planned another 3 miles

Total: about 12 miles

So off to eat oatmeal/workout/whole foods I go then work at 2. My life is exciting!!

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