Thursday, July 11, 2013

"Why are you doing this to me" - Grammy

I guess I never really made a post about who I actually am....well in terms of health and fitness! If I actually knew who I was and where life was going that would be a great day! Anyways here goes.

Lil bit of background:
Flashback to my first day freshman year at UMASS. I was excited, nervous, lost, and confused on how I was actually going to make it through these 4 years especially since I got monumentally lost just trying to go across campus to see Holly and Kerie. Fast forward...winter break. I was sick. Super sick. Not the I have a cold wah poor me sick, the I have a stomach infection and the worst acid reflux of my life sick. This really helped me reevaluate my life. I gained a good amount of weight, stopped paying attention to what I was eating, and worst of all did not exercise at all! AT ALL. 

Now it is spring break and I finally make a decision to change my lifestyle. I start going to the gym regularly. Biking only 20 minutes and incorporating some abs/arm exercises I remembered from high school track. I eat salads and vegetables and limit my processed foods intake and magically lose about 10lbs by May. 

FAASST FORWARD: July 11, 2013.

So here is where my life is at today. I intern with EnergyBits. I enjoy running. I started running last summer, but have really kicked it up a notch (hint this blog) and am planning my first half marathon in the fall. I eat pretty well. Summer is hard. I try to eat as many fruits and veggies possible during the day, but I treat myself everyday. I enjoy coffee, a muffin once a week, frozen yogurt, and occasionally going out to eat. I realized being super strict with myself actually caused more harm than good since it made me OBSESSIVE. 

I think everyone needs some balance in there life. Make healthy choices, exercise, enjoy your foods, and most of all:

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