Wednesday, June 5, 2013

Go Bruins! Run Reflection and a Great Read

So since the bruins are going into OT and I have about 20 minutes to kill, might as well write a blog post?

OK great!

So summer has been flying by! I have almost been home for a whole month and I can't believe it. The new job is great, internship is fun (as always), and running/workouts are finally getting better as well.

So yesterday during my 10 miler, I think I finally hit that infamous "runners high" I used to make fun of track girls talk about in high school (sorry). I felt amazing around mile 7 and had great energy, so decided I might as well keep going. I ate some carrots, triscuts, hummus, and EnergyBits about 20 minutes before my run and had a steady stream of energy! It was great! I never thought I would be able to hit double digit mileage and now I am even more confident that my half will be awesome in October.

Along with this, Marisa and I have been hitting the gym hard almost everyday after work combining cardio with alternating arms/abs/legs days so I've been getting great total body workouts!

So that's a little workout recap!

Anyways, I have been reading Salt, Sugar, Fat by Michael Moss and it is really eye opening! You never think about the countless ingredients that are scientifically (and brilliantly?) created and formed by scientists not chefs! These scientists are geniuses and spend so much time researching different ways to satisfy that craving people have for any processed food (or more commonly some salt, sugar, and fat). It really is a great read and I recommend to anyone starting to incorporate a healthier lifestyle!

Next up on the reading list:

So now on to the rest of the week which consists of work tomorrow, NYC on Friday with Kerie, and grad parties on Saturday!

Have a great rest of the week everyone!

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