Friday, May 31, 2013

May Recap and June Goals

Hi everyone!

I cannot believe that May went by so fast! I started off the month with finals and now I'm ending it with a new job and projects for my internship.

Let talk training...
So I officially ran 1 mile more than April (hey it's a start right?) so that is pretty cool. Rounding out the total to 63 miles this month!

Looking back at my May Goals: 

1. Keep with my running! (Try to do 3-4 miles at least 2x a week with a long run on Saturday/Sunday)
    Ultimate goal: Run 10 miles by 5/31! -Kept up with the normal runs, but unfortunately did not hit 10 miles yet 

2. Lift more, have specific lifting days with minimal cardio -CHECK!

3. Clean eating, but no obsessing/calorie counting. 6 servings of fruits/veggies a day+good clean protein 
    +lots of froyo! Fairly accurate! Many treats this month, but trying better next month for sure

4. Read more! School is over on May 9th, so working/interning/reading/running all summer! -still working on my first book, but it is so good! 

Now on to June Goals
1. A 10 Miler is still on my mind! Working hard to accomplish it! Run more miles than May! (70 miles=goal)
2. Keep eating fruits/veggies! It is finally Peach season people :)
3. DRINK MORE WATER-3 bottles a day minimum! 

So these goals seem pretty similar to May, but hey, I think they are pretty good!

What are your goals?

Saturday, May 25, 2013

Stress, Shins, and an Update

Hi Everyone,

So I gotta to say that this blog has been both inspiring and stressful at the same time. I like that I can measure my progress directly, but I feel that I have put a huge pressure on myself to make sure I am running a certain amount of miles each week, therefore, when I don't do it I just feel bad/that I'm letting people down. Do not get me wrong I still plan on running a half marathon, but the one that I want to run isn't until October, so I have plenty of time until I have to be running 10 miles on the weekends, so I'm still going to ease myself into it.

Also, I think I need to invest in a new pair of running shoes. My shins have been killing me for the past month or so every time I step on the treadmill or go outside to run, so running hasn't been very pleasant. I think I need a more supportive shoe, because my Nike frees have basically no support. I read a bunch of reviews and people have experienced the same thing. I only dread having to drop about $100 on a decent pair of shoes, but I think at this point it's necessary!

Daily Life/Running update time...insert fun music here.

Life: Just started a new job! I've been working everyday 9-3, so I'm working on getting a routine down. I've been so busy, lunch has been pushed to eating everything I can after work, so I have to work on fixing my eating and gym schedule.

Bailey wasn't looking..

Running Recap:

Sunday: rest day

Monday: 2. 35 miles on the treadmill (HIIT)+lift

Tuesday: rest day/shins felt explosive

Wednesday: 6.5 mile run outside-first long run in a while

Thursday: Leg workout in the gym, no cardio

Friday: rest day/super sore

Saturday: either a light run outside in the rain or HIIT (haven't decided yet), planned another 3 miles

Total: about 12 miles

So off to eat oatmeal/workout/whole foods I go then work at 2. My life is exciting!!

Tuesday, May 21, 2013

Rest Dayz

Hi everyone, I'm feeling a rare mid-week post today!

Have you ever felt super run down/tired and that you just can't catch up on rest? That is me today! I feel like my body is screaming at me for a break, therefore, I am taking a few days off from running.

I think it is necessary to take those rest days. Plural: DAYS. Sometimes I feel guilty if I do not workout everyday, but I learning that rest is needed. My shins have been aching for a few weeks now and the pounding of the treadmill have not helped one bit. Just because I don't run 15 miles a week, doesn't mean that my training is lacking. I am hoping to take off today and tomorrow (working a double 830-3 and 6-close yay), and will pick back up with running on Thursday.

Not related but look at this pup! It is so cute and hangs out all day at work with us :)

I don't know why this came out so wide....

PS Finally a long run is happening on Saturday...

Have a great rest of the week everyone! 

Saturday, May 18, 2013

Week 6 and my Busy Life

Hey everyone!

So I must say I am now completely NOT following that running schedule I originally posted about. I am trying to run at least 4x a week, but have been so busy lately. I am starting a new job, working 2 more weeks at market basket, and working out is going to be a bit sporadic over the next few weeks.

Anyways, Here is a recap of week 6!

Sunday: 2.37 on the treadmill +lift

Monday: 3 miles of HIIT+lift

Tuesday: 3.2 miles of HIIT+lift

Wednesday: Boston to see EnergyBits so rest day!

Thursday: Started insanity(cardio-strength and agility)+3.38 mile run/walk

Friday: Insanity Plyometrics

Saturday: Planned at least 3 miles (HIIT most likely)

Total: 14.98 (so let's say 15..)

Also everyone should try this recipe for Vegan Lasagna. It was the best thing I have every made.

Hope everyone has a great week! :)

Sunday, May 12, 2013

Week 5 Recap

Hi I can't believe it has been 5 weeks since I started this blog/running plan! 

So I'm supposed to of hit 8 miles by yesterday, and it still hasn't happened. I get nervous thinking that I can't do it so I haven't yet, but it's coming soon. I realized that I think I'm just going to loosely follow the training plan and not worry about running specific days, but running at least 2-3x a week with a long run as well. Anyways here is how last week broke down:

Sunday: 1 mile to the gym, Treadmill Run/Walk 1 mile , Track workout: 5x320m sprints with a 160m walk in between

Monday: 4 miles outside finally!

Tuesday: 1 mile to the gym, then hard lift 

Wednesday: off (packing fun!)

Thursday: 3 miles HIIT on the treadmill

Friday: 10k (6.2 miles) on the treadmill

Saturday: off (worked 9 hours)

Total: 17.2 miles 

Not too bad for mileage this week. Gotta hit up a longer run though soon! In the meantime have a great week everyone :)

Wednesday, May 8, 2013

Summer Plans and such

After 3 beautiful weeks without is looking pretty gloomy and there is a 70% chance of rain.

Notice the glare from me taking the picture 
So to keep with the theme of my running blog, here is a mid week update:
After 4 days of running in a row, my body needs some rest! My calf started hurting after a mile yesterday, so I think that it is a sign to listen to my body!

But now the focus on Summer Plans and such happenings!
So summer starts tomorrow which means no more exams, group projects, homework, etc for 4 whole months! Yay and after this semester a long break is necessary. So this summer I will be balancing working at the basket (trying to find another job, but you know how that goes) and interning with ENERGYBits! Along with this, I have Cape Cod over the 4th of July and a Cruise mid-July with my mom's side of the family. So a lot of good stuff coming up in the next few months.

Other Plans: running a lot, reading a lot, and cooking/eating a lot

Books I plan on reading: 

(all of these pictures are from

So...I'm basically a sucker for food related books and books written by Chelsea Handler. These ones are by her friends so I'm figuring they are just as funny. There are other books I also want to read, but can't think of them at the moment.

What are your summer plans?

Saturday, May 4, 2013

Week 4

So the last few weeks have been hectic with school ending and projects/papers/exams. So this week was not too run heavy with only clocking in 11 miles for the week.

Sunday: rest from my long run

Monday: 3 miles of HIIT on the treadmill at the gym+lifting

Tuesday: 2 miles (fast pace)+legs/abs

Wednesday: off, projects ya

Thursday: 3.35 mile run outside

Friday: rest

Saturday: was supposed to do a run instead hit the gym ran 2.5 miles and lifted

Total: 11 miles

Only 6 more days until summer break. I wish I was more excited, but that does mean more free time/work/interning/reading/running!

Hope everyone has a great weekend!

Wednesday, May 1, 2013

May Goals

Yay it's May..I really should of made this post yesterday so I could appropriately put some Justin in my post but oh well, it's staying..

Alex at alextriesitout inspired me to set some monthly goals! 

So since summer is coming up quickly (yay!), fitness and nutrition goals are a must! 

1. Keep with my running! (Try to do 3-4 miles at least 2x a week with a long run on Saturday/Sunday)
    Ultimate goal: Run 10 miles by 5/31! 
2. Lift more, have specific lifting days with minimal cardio 
3. Clean eating, but no obsessing/calorie counting. 6 servings of fruits/veggies a day+good clean protein 
    +lots of froyo! 
4. Read more! School is over on May 9th, so working/interning/reading/running all summer!

What are you goals?